There are many activities to explore in this area.
A far cry from the mass-tourism that abounds in Spain, you will find that even the beach has few crowds. The beaches closest to Can Juvimar are those of Trabucador and Eucalyptus. They are characterized as “endless beaches”, being very wide, especially long, and as far as the eye can see. Due to the fact that the beaches are part of the Delta Ebre Natural Park, there are no buildings on the beach. Simply put: pure, pristine beach.
If the beach is your top priority, Can Juvimar is the perfect place for you, due to our close proximity to the beach.
**Special mention should be given to the beaches of the Fangar Peninsula. The extensive sand dunes give these beaches a different ambiance…the desert by the sea.
One of the most popular activities in the zone is biking. You can come with your own, or rent. There are many bike rentals in the area. The Park has many bike trails, of which Can Juvimar can give you detailed biking itineraries. There are 2 official bike trails, one is 26 KM, and the other is 32 KM, both of which can be modified for your convenience. There are also many other options for biking the area.
The bike trails can also be accessed by foot or horse.
Fishing is another popular activity in the Ebre Delta, and there are many options.
The first choice is whether to fish from the beach or by boat.
Fishing by boat gives you the most options. Some of those options are:
• Deep sea fishing
• Fishing from the mouth of the river; where the Ebre River meets the Mediterranean Sea
• Fishing the Ebre River (farther upstream)
• Guided fishing tours – or – rent your own boat
• Trolling
• Angling
Here is an idea of the types of fish one might catch:
Sea Bass, Sea Bream, Sole, Goatfish, Corbs, Leerfish, Scorpionfish, Bower, Black Bass, Perch, Zander, Carp, Eel, Mullet, Gurnard, Catfish, Bonito, Tuna, Mackerel, Ray
A lovely way to see the area is by boat. You can rent a boat or take a guided cruise. For the areas covering the Ebre River and the mouth of the river, the Fangar Peninsula, and the Illa de Buda, it is best to use boat rentals or guided tours located in Deltebre. For the areas covering the Alfacs Bay, the Banya Peninsula, the mussel farms and the floating restaurant/bar, it is best to use boat rentals or guided tours located in Sant Carles de la Ràpita.
The Ebre Delta is blessed by an abundance of bird life. With over 300 recorded bird species (of 600 species in Europe), the park has installed several observatories and viewpoints. The best time of year for bird watching is the autumn; however, all year long there is a wide range of bird life. The full extension of the Ebre Delta (32,000 Ha) is now listed as a ZEPA zone (special area for bird protection), and attracts millions of birds throughout the year. It is well worth a visit at any time of year.
In summer, breeding birds and offspring dominate. There is a breeding colony of Greater Flamingos and the world’s most important breeding colony of Audouin’s Gull. Winter is dominated by a whole new set of birds, although several breeding birds remain throughout the winter. It is also home to many year round residents, as well as an essential way station for many migratory birds.
Residents include the rare Red-crested Pochard, Shelduck, Purple Swamp Hen, Greater Flamingo, Little and Cattle Egret, Little and Great Crested Grebe, Redshank, Crested and Lesser Short-toed Lark, Cetti’s, Mustached and Fan-tailed Warbler, Yellow-legged Gull and Black-headed Gull. Breeders include the Audouins, Mediterranean and Slender-billed Gull, as well as Little Bittern, Oyster Catcher, Black-winged Stilt, Avocet, Kingfisher, Tern (Gull-billed, Little, Sandwich and Whiskered), Heron (Purple, Night and Squacco), and Pratincole. Passengers include Black Tern, Water Pipit, Greenshank, Caspian Tern, Great Egret and Glossy Ibis. Winter birds include Hen Harrier, March Harrier, Bittern, and waders such as Lapwing, Snipe, Curlew, Bar-tailed Godwit, ducks such as Teal, Shoveler, Pintail, and Wigeon.
This area is well known for wind and kite surfing, and kite driving.
There are lots of other activities in the area. Some ideas:
• Kayak the river Ebre or the Mediterranean Sea
• Sailing
• Canyoning
• Trekking
• Jet Ski
• ATV treks (quads)
• Paint ball
• Archery
Every Sunday in Poblenou, there is a farmer’s market, in front of the church. On Tuesdays, a large farmer’s market is held all around the Amposta central market, and on Saturdays the market is in Sant Carles de la Ràpita. Buy fresh fruits and vegetables, meats and fish, olives and olive oil, wine, clothing, house wares… for more information and photos